Six modes of dividing the Ecliptic

  1. Rasi (sign) in which the ecliptic is divided into 12 equal parts of 30° each          (Zodiac contains 12 rashis)
  2. Hora in which each sign is divided into two equal parts of 15° each           (Zodiac contains 24 horas)
  3. Drekkana in which a sign is divided into three equal parts of 10° each         (Zodiac contains 36 drekkanas)
  4. Navamsa in which a sign is divided into nine equal parts of 3° 20' each        (Zodiac contains 108 navamsas)
  5. Dwadasamsa, in which a sign is divided into twelve equal parts of 2° 30' each           (Zodiac contains 144 dwadasamsas)
  6. Trimsamsa, in which a sign is divided into thirty equal parts of a degree each         (Zodiac contains 360 trimsamsa)